“The placing of the personality in a particular part of the body is cultural. Most Europeans place themselves in the head, because they have been taught that they are the brain. In reality of course the brain can’t feel the concave of the skull, and if we believed with Lucretius that the brain was an organ for cooling the blood, we would place ourselves somewhere else. The Greeks and Romans were in the chest, the Japanese a hand’s breath below the navel, Witla Indians in the whole body, and even outside it. We only imagine ourselves as ‘somewhere’.”

                            Keith Johnstone, Impro (1979)

                            Crimson Pro by Jacques Le Bailly

                            电脑vp n怎么设置


                            Messapia by Luca Marsano

                            电脑vp n怎么设置

                            电脑vp n怎么设置

                            电脑vp n怎么设置

                            电脑vp n怎么设置

                            电脑vp n怎么设置

                            电脑vp n怎么设置

                            Space Grotesk by Florian Karsten

                            “Black is modest and arrogant at the same time. Black is lazy and easy—but mysterious. But above all black says this: I don’t bother you—don’t bother me.”

                            Yohji Yamamoto

                            Manrope by Michael Sharanda


                            minnow flails

                            then rests.

                            iA Writer Quattro by iA

                            ==> *** ## ☠ ## *** <==

                            #[*>United by the<*]#


                            #[*>World Wide Web<*]#

                            ==> *** ## ☠ ## *** <==

                            Fira Code by Nikita Prokopov





                            Space Mono by Colophon Foundry



                            10 maart
                            dag van de


                            Fivo Sans Modern by Alex Slobzheninov


                            Malmö Konstmuseum

                            24 februari – 26 augusti 2018

                            Source Code Pro by Paul D. Hunt

                            Latest pairings

                            Werner Herzog

                            There is nothing wrong with spending a night in jail if it means getting the shot you need. Send out all your dogs and one might return with prey. Never wallow in your troubles; despair must be kept private and brief. Expand your knowledge and understanding of music and literature, old and modern. That roll of unexposed celluloid you have in your hand might be the last in existence, so do something impressive with it. Carry bolt cutters everywhere. Thwart institutional cowardice.

                            From A Guide for the Perplexed

                            Archivo Black Lora


                            Out to Lunch stands as Eric Dolphy’s magnum opus, an absolute pinnacle of avant-garde jazz in any form or era. Its rhythmic complexity was perhaps unrivaled since Dave Brubeck’s Time Out, and its five Dolphy originals—the jarring Monk tribute “Hat and Beard,” the aptly titled “Something Sweet, Something Tender,” the weirdly jaunty flute showcase “Gazzelloni,” the militaristic title track, the drunken lurch of “Straight Up and Down”—were a perfect balance of structured frameworks, carefully calibrated timbres, and generous individual freedom. — AllMusic Review by Steve Huey

                            猫咪加速器app Source Serif Pro

                            The Coming of Age of
                            Quantum Biology

                            Life on
                            the Edge

                            Johnjoe McFadden
                            & Jim Al-Khalili

                            Oswald Source Serif Pro







                            translated by robert a. kaster
                            and 猫咪加速器app

                            Rakkas Vollkorn